
torek, 31. december 2013

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Projekt Radar: Bruna Kazinoti
She will present the selection of her amazing work at Projekt Radar, in coproduction with EPK MARIBOR 2012/Terminal 12. Models have characters on her photos. They are not just objects; you get a sense it can’t be that hard to feel their ...
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Jože Suhadolnik: Album
“Album seeks to intrigue, not to provoke. Its aim is to present, not comment. To communicate, not illustrate. It calls for a response, but refuses to produce one of its own. It offers an experience of a visual moment in the here and ...
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“Happy Family”. Is it?
The “Happy family” concept, project of Dejana Vučićević, is presented through a series of ten photographs, with each depicting the totality of a certain delicate context within an individual decade of the 20th century.
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Spectral Metropole in Ljubljana
“Jasmina Cibic, Carla Arocha & Stéphane Schraenen, Michelle Deignan, Martin Fletcher, Alex Hudson and Sadie Murdoch in Vžigalica Gallery are artists addressing urbanism as the mise-en-scène for addressing social relationships ...
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Koji Tatsuno, the fourth Japanese designer genius
 When I first met Koji Tatsuno at a random loud party in Paris, I admittedly had no idea who he was. The next morning I remember waking up to this feeling of having a long conversation with a Japanese fashion designer, but it ...
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Boris Levy: “I’d rather hypnotize than force the viewer!”
When I first saw 8 mm2, I remember clenching my fingers around that glass of fine Russian vodka I had in my hands. It left me speechless. It was three minutes and seven seconds of outrageous emotions, three minutes of physical awareness.
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Projekt Radar: Kristin Knox
Bloggers. Deep (cheesed) sigh. Now here are some associations that hit us at the mention of a word: blond girls with their own shoe collections, boys in high heels and tacky shades, sponsored trips to Australia Fashion Week, staying at luxurious ...
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Photography on a sofa 2012: David Bate
David Bate is a British photographer, theorist and critic, actually teaching at the University of Westminster; author of books and essays, among others the study on photography and surrealism (Photography and Surrealism, Sexuality, Colonialism, ...
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Projekt Radar: Ludus
Ludus Loves Fashion. Ludus are Dragan Hristov and Elena Apostolovska. He is a contemporary art graduate at the Academy of Fine Arts - Brera in Milan (Accademia delle Belle Arti di Brera, Milano). She is the other part of the designer duo, ...
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Peter Movrin: Gold On My Mind
Projekt Radar was organized in coproduction with European Capital of Culture MARIBOR 2012/Terminal 12 and the creative management of Projekt27. A three day international event in Maribor Art Gallery included panels, fashion, magazine, photography ...
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Projekt Radar: FAAR
FAAR Magazine is celebrating their tenth issue. Their jubilee issue was presented on Projekt Radar, as part of European Capital of Culture, MARIBOR 2012/Terminal 12. This tenth issue of serbian FAAR Magazine includes lifestyle, fashion, photography ...
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Petra Varl: Holding the Strings of Her Life
I caught up with Petra Varl just before she left for New York, where her first solo exhibition “across the pond” will open on November 15. The show is called, significantly, I Always Get What I Wished For.
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Projekt Radar: Nika Urbas
We invited Maria Moderna to be part of Projekt Radar, EPK Maribor 2012. Oh, pardon us, we should say Nika Urbas, true embodiment of her fashion label. Central Saint Martins alumni, she studied on the course for fashion design womenswear.
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»Give me five«!
Natasa Persuh. Zoran Garevski. JSP. Maria Moderna. Maja Mehle. Five different energies, yet each of them is full with an impeccable creative drive. We’re not going to do garment-analysis now, no.
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Projekt Radar: Programme
In coproduction with European Capital of Culture MARIBOR 2012/Terminal 12 and the creative management of Projekt27, there will be a three day event, including fashion, magazine, photography and video presentations.
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Go and mingle!
Lately I feel like I have been meeting people with enormous talent. And everyone I know is a part of something big. They all participate in competitions, biennales, and festivals and at the end of the evening leave as winners or as well ...
Kulturaprojekt27.compred 4068 dnevi
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Skye Nicolas: “Opportunities await for those who continue to explore”
A recipe to maintain the critical distance?  As Skye Nicolas, one of the currently most inspiring contemporary artists would put it, it is by simply sleeping with fashion models, and staying away from reality TV.

sreda, 13. november 2013

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Skozi objektiv
Pred vami je nekaj utrinkov s prizorišč pred lokacijami modnih revij na zadnjem pariškem tednu mode. Nekaj smo jih že predstavili, tokrat fotograf Luka Ivanišević predstavlja še nekaj zanimivih podob znanih pa tudi neznanih povabljencev, ...
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Najdi me ...
Vedno nas veseli, kadar lahko predstavimo kaj inovativnega, lepo oblikovanega in še uporabnega povrhu, še posebno, če je izdelek plod slovenske ustvarjalnosti. Poimenovali so ga Chipolo, je pameten obesek, ki s pomočjo aplikacije na mobilnem ...

torek, 12. november 2013

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Spike Jonze: ustvarjalna ekscentričnost
Adam Spiegel je po navadi naokoli hodil s štrlečimi lasmi, potolčenimi koleni in komolci. »Skejter« pač. Pa tudi režiser, producent, igralec in fotograf. Njegovi sodelavci v Rockville BMX store (kjer je bil pravcati »ambasador« ...